Key Benefits
- Key Benefits:
- The insurance company is able to focus its financial and administrative resources on:
- sales promotion;
- organization qualitative interaction with customers;
- the creation of new insurance products and effective management;
- Service Company is objectively interested in the high quality of its services, since it affects the preservation and expansion of its customer base;
Serving several insurers, service company:
- is able to accumulate sufficient funds to build a highly efficient system organization of medical assistance;
- is a major player on the health care market and has more favorable Cooperation conditions for health care facilities that allows to reach lower loss rates of portfolios of insurers of Voluntary Health Insurance – partners of the Company
- narrower specialization of services simplifies the introduction of modern IT, allowing essentially increase the effectiveness of management processes, monitoring and Expertise.
- Medical license of the service company guarantees the legitimacy of special programs "Trusted doctor," "Personal doctor", etc.
- The economic expediency constructing a service organization of voluntary health insurance system through the medical service company.
- Reducing the costs of Business management of the insurer through the optimization of service units (pricing for the services of assistance takes into account the factor of competition budget what the insurer spends for the units that implement similar functions; an indirect cost reduction of the insurer for general units: economic; treasury; accounting associated with a significant reduction of counterparties involved in servicing of an insurance portfolio)
- Improving the efficiency of voluntary health insurance units and of the insurer trading system by shifting the emphasis of management type of insurance in the client side, underwriting and methodological work.
- Introducing the practice of payment for service companies by health facilities in the form of agency fees or providing discounts for medical services. (This practice is widely used in other activities: tourism, trade, insurance, etc. and completely developed the market of medical services)